Friday 20 September 2013

Web Forms Code Model

When using Visual Studio .NET to create ASP.NET Web applications, you use a standard deployment model: your project is compiled and the resulting files are deployed. The Web Forms code-behind class file (.aspx.vb, or .aspx.cs), but not the .aspx file, is compiled into a project .dll file along with all other class files included in your project. This single project .dll file is then deployed to the server, without any source code. When a request for the page is received, the project .dll file is instantiated and executed.

In the ASP.NET Page class model, the entire Web Forms page is, in effect, an executable program that generates output to be sent back to the browser or client device. In this model, the page goes through a series of processing stages similar to those of other components — initialize, process, and dispose — with two differences:
  • The page class performs these steps each time the page is called. The page is initialized, processed, and disposed of every time a round trip to the server occurs.
  • The page class has a unique stage —render— that occurs toward the end of the page life cycle, during which output is generated.

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