Monday 25 November 2013

Data Source Controls and Data Controls

Data Source Controls

  • AccessDataSource control   The AccessDataSource control is a data source control that works with Microsoft Access databases.
  • SiteMapDataSource control   The SiteMapDataSource Web server control retrieves navigation data from a site-map provider, and then passes the data to controls that can display that data, such as the TreeView and Menu controls.
  • SqlDataSource control   The SqlDataSource control enables you to use a Data control to access data located in a relational data base, including Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle databases, as well as OLE DB and ODBC data sources.
  • XmlDataSource control   The XmlDataSource control makes XML data available to data-bound controls. You can use it to display both hierarchical and tabular data, although the XmlDataSource control is typically used to display hierarchical XML data in read-only scenarios.

    Data Control

  • DataList control   The DataList control is useful for displaying data in any repeating structure, such as a table. The DataList control can display rows in different layouts, such as ordering them in columns or rows.
  • DetailsView control   The DetailsView control gives you the ability to display, edit, insert, or delete a single record at a time from its associated data source. The DetailsView control displays only a single data record at a time, even if its data source exposes multiple records.
  • FormView control   The FormView control gives you the ability to work with a single record from a data source, similar to the DetailsView control. The difference between the FormView and the DetailsView controls is that the DetailsView control uses a tabular layout where each field of the record is displayed as a row of its own. In contrast, the FormView control does not specify a pre-defined layout for displaying the record. Instead, you create a template containing controls to display individual fields from the record.
  • GridView control   The GridView control displays the values of a data source in a table where each column represents a field and each row represents a record. The GridView control allows you to select, sort, and edit these items. For information about programming the GridView control, see GridView Class in the MSDN library.
  • Repeater control   The Repeater control is a data-bound container control that produces a list of individual items. You define the layout of individual items on a web page using templates. When the page runs, the control repeats the layout for each item in the data source.

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